Send emails from Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations apps by using the email templates, SMTP provider, Electronic reporting, and Business document templates

This course demonstrates how to send emails by using the parameterized email templates and leveraging the Electronic reporting configuration provider and its designers to map the parameters of the email template to the corresponding values of the desired data model. Most importantly, this course makes you a better consultant when you require to learn everything you need to know about Electronic reporting and its designers, using parametrized email templates while sending business documents via emails.
SKU: 20034

DEMO: This is a sample video of this course.

Course Length: 01 Hours 46 Minutes 32 Seconds
The paid version of this course contains videos for the following: 

Course Outline

Send emails  from Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations apps by using the email templates, SMTP provider, Electronic reporting, and Business document templates

This course prepares you for some of the skills measured for the Core Exam for Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations such as MB-300. Most importantly, it teaches you everything you need to know about Electronic reporting and its designers, using parametrized email templates while sending business documents via emails.

At Course Completion
The goal of this course is to enable students to:
  • Test the email configuration via SMTP 
  • Create Email templates with parameters
  • Download GER configuration models from LCS
  • Configure Electronic reporting by importing the GER configuration models
  • Understand and use ER Model mapping designer to create containers for Email template Table records and ER models
  • Understand and use ER Formula designers to create calculated members and use built-in functions for transformation
  • Understand and use ER Model mapping, and formula designers to bind the container's data source of email template to the data model
  • Configure Electronic reporting destination
  • Configure print management to use a Business document template formatted in ER
  • Send business data by using the email templates